Channel Relationships: The Secret Sauce for Success

Updated September 5, 2024
Published in Channel Management, Channel Marketing

How are channel relationships important? Our goals are usually expressed in numbers, and in the push to reach them, we get focused on moving the needle, completing the task, getting the result. In the ever-present drive to grow the channel, it’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees.

But true success comes from remembering that your partner organizations are made up of people. Treating them well and developing long-term relationships that endure through your channel career will pay off so much more than focusing on only numbers.

Channel Relationships Matter More than Transactions

In the end people want to do business with people they like and respect. People also perform better when they are treated as valued individuals. When you look at the most consistently successful businesses, you can see it. Apple, Nordstrom, SAS, Google, Zappos – all have a culture that puts people first. The importance of good inter-personal relationships translates 100% to the channel.

Long-Term Vs. Short-Term Results

It’s the people who produce the results. You can game your partners to goose the numbers, and that may produce a short-term result, but over the long-term, this strategy generates diminishing returns. Motivating, coaching or holding accountable people who don’t report to you is hard enough but that is much more difficult when channel partner reps see you as a pushy vendor that wastes their time with leaderboards and competitions.

Five Keys to Building Strong Relationships in Channel Marketing

Read our new Channel Marketing ebook
Download our free ebook “Five Keys to Building Strong Relationships in Channel Marketing”

Ultimately, better relationships make your channel job easier. If you find you’re having trouble consistently reaching your goals, consider if your relationship skills could use a little brushing up. Read our free e-book, Five Keys to Building Strong Relationships in Channel Marketing and learn how to foster better relationships that lead to better results.


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