Blog - Channeltivity PRM

Channeltivity’s PRM software makes channel management easy. This category contains posts about our partner relationship management solution, including product news, release notes and more.

Apr 3, 2012
FAQs About Partner Relationship Management (PRM)

Launching an indirect channel sales program is exciting, but I can tell by the questions I get from customers that this is an area that’s regularly underestimated in terms of planning and resources required. Here are some of the most common questions we hear as people embark on their partner relationship management journey and answers […]

Channel Management, Channeltivity PRM, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Mar 2, 2011
Channeltivity Partners with Relayware to Drive Channel Best Practices

Building a successful reseller channel and continuing to grow it and dial up its performance requires planning, disciplined execution and constant analysis. One of the greatest thinkers of our time Buckminster Fuller, once said, “If you want to change people’s behaviors, don’t bother teaching them. Provide them the tools, the use of which will cause […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Channeltivity PRM, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jan 19, 2011
Preview: Top 5 New Features in Version 4.1

We introduced a bunch of new features in the the most recent 4.0 release and so decided to make the upcoming one all about usability, streamlining user flows and just general improvements. Here are the top five things you’ll see in version 4.1: Self-guided setup. The new release will feature an intuitive setup process that makes […]

Channeltivity PRM
Jan 13, 2011
WebCruiter: Thanks for the Customer Success Story

Many, many thanks to Kristian Vanberg of WebCruiter for the truly amazing things he said about Channeltivity in our latest customer success story. It feels great to hear that our PRM solution is helping his channel organizations in a meaningful way. Even with the right tools, running a channel partner program is a challenging task. […]

Channel Management, Channeltivity PRM
Nov 16, 2010
Version 4 – Now with even more PRM usability

The usability of our software is a big part of making channel management easy. That means we’re constantly working on ways to make our PRM solution more intuitive, user friendly and helpful. When we rolled our Version 4 a few months ago, we incorporated a bunch of new features to make your lives easier (and ours […]

Channeltivity PRM