Blog - Channeltivity PRM

Channeltivity’s PRM software makes channel management easy. This category contains posts about our partner relationship management solution, including product news, release notes and more.

Mar 18, 2013
Release: MDF Reminders, Expiring Balances & More

Our next release will be going live tomorrow Tuesday, March 19th and is all about MDF. View the release notes walkthrough video or read the details below. Version 4.4.4 Walkthrough Get a more in-depth explanation of the key new features:

Channeltivity PRM
Feb 1, 2013
Release: Partner Profiles & More

Our next release will be going live this Monday, February 4th. Here are the key improvements:

Channeltivity PRM
Jan 7, 2013
Release: Email Log, Multi-Language Content & More

Our next release will be going live tomorrow Tuesday, January 8th. Here are the key improvements:

Channeltivity PRM
Dec 3, 2012
Release: Biz Plan Export, Forum Search & More

Our next release will be going live tomorrow Tuesday, December 4th. Here are the key improvements.

Channeltivity PRM
Nov 8, 2012
Friday’s Channeltivity Release: Admin, Data & Security Improvements

Our 4.4.0 release will be going live tomorrow Friday, November 9th. It focuses on security and increased usability and data consistency in the Admin module. Here’s a breakdown of key improvements:

Channeltivity PRM
May 17, 2012
How to Increase Deal Registration

Deal registrations are the key to channel visibility and, therefore, to accurate channel sales projections. The first key to getting partners to register their deals is to acknowledge this value proposition for yourself. Obviously, the better you can see what’s in your sales pipeline, the better you can forecast your partner channel revenue, and the […]

Channel Management, Channeltivity PRM, Deal Registration
May 3, 2012
More MPG: Three Things You Can Do to Make Your Channel Program More Efficient

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that launching an indirect channel sales program is a significant undertaking requiring a major investment of time and budget. How do you make sure you’re maximizing your chances this investment pays off? One key to success is always fine-tuning your channel program to make […]

Channel Management, Channeltivity PRM, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Apr 27, 2012
The Truth about the Magic Hockey Stick

It looks so nice on the channel partner revenue graph — a line inclines gradually for a year or so, and then makes a sharp upward turn, the shape of a hockey stick. Everyone thinks their indirect sales program is different, that wild success is inevitable—just get some partners and launch. But the fact is, […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Channeltivity PRM
Apr 19, 2012
How Do Your Partners Rate?

Let’s say you’re a VP of Sales and Marketing, and your CEO has asked you to come up with a list of your company’s top go-to-market partners within your indirect sales channel. How would you go about it? You can do it old-school: pick up the phone, set up an Excel spreadsheet to keep track […]

Channeltivity PRM, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Apr 10, 2012
Joint Business Planning: A Myth or Necessity?

I bet you’re hoping I’m going to say “myth.” No one likes planning, right? But we might as well face facts: joint planning with partners is a critical best practice, and vendors that make the effort are much better positioned to have a successful channel. Joint planning keeps your partnerships from going dormant. Vendors usually […]

Channel Management, Channeltivity PRM, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)