Blog - Channel Ops

Our channel operations articles contain helpful resources, best practices, and insights to streamline your partner ops practice. Learn how to improve partner team efficiency, manage processes and PRM integrations (like with HubSpot or Salesforce), and support your partners for optimal performance.

May 22, 2024
Perfect Your Deal Registration Process in 7 Steps

Follow these seven steps to develop an airtight deal registration process that engages your partners and drives channel revenues.

Channel Ops, Deal Registration
May 12, 2024
Deal Registration Best Practices

The overarching best practice in deal registration is to design your process with partners’ interests in mind, and they’ll register deals without too much prompting from you. If a partner’s relationship with your company and product is serving them, they’ll register deals.

Channel Ops, Deal Registration
Apr 12, 2024
​​4 Universal Partnership Team Roles in High-Tech Channels

Building out your partnership team? Here are four critical roles to recruit for and how to accelerate a new partnership hire’s time to value.

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Channel Ops, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jan 29, 2024
How to Ace Referral Management in 5 Steps

Learn five steps to streamline your referral management with tips from five experienced partner professionals.

Channel Management, Channel Ops
Dec 21, 2023
What You Need to Launch a Channel Program

What, exactly, do you need to do to launch a channel program? Learn 6 critical elements to prepare in this post.

Channel Management, Channel Ops, Partner Portal Management, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Nov 29, 2023
How to Pull Off a Successful PRM Launch

Your PRM launch doesn’t have to be stressful. Learn how to prepare in this step-by-step guide with tips from folks who’ve done it before.

Channel Ops, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jan 17, 2023
How to Do a Partner Program Audit

Audit your partner program to level up your channel and create sustained growth in tough economic environments.

Channel Management, Channel Ops, Deal Registration, Lead Distribution, Partner Engagement, Partner Portal Management, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Dec 15, 2022
What Is a Self-Service PRM?

A self-service PRM is key to scaling your partner program. Learn what benefits you can look forward to and how to pick the right one.

Channel Ops, Partner Portal Management, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Sep 22, 2022
What Are Partnership OKRs?

Partnership teams are cross-functional, so setting OKRs can be difficult. Learn about five things to consider during annual planning cycles.

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Channel Ops
Feb 28, 2022
Out with the Old! – Partner Portal Spring Cleaning

It’s always a good time clean up your partner portal: Three steps to help you rid of outdated content and keep things fresh!

Channel Marketing, Channel Ops, Partner Portal Management