Blog - Channel Marketing

Find expert insights, tips, best practices, and strategies to elevate your channel marketing efforts. Discover how to effectively engage channel partners, optimize campaigns, and drive channel success through innovative marketing techniques.

Aug 22, 2013
Why are visits to my partner portal down?

A partner portal is built to make the life of the partner easier.  A lot of the time a Channel Manager or the person in charge will automatically think, “If I build it, they will come,” and this couldn’t be further from the truth!  Your partners have a life of their own, chances are you […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Channeltivity PRM, Deal Registration, Partner Engagement, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jul 12, 2013
Which way do you go? MDF or Co-Op?

Marketing with your partners is essential to establishing your brand, furthering your reach and of course, obtaining leads. Eventually one of the key issues that arises is how do you fund this type of marketing?  Today there are two key ways: Market Development Funds and Co-Op.  Both have their pros and cons depending on the […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Partner Engagement, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
May 20, 2013
Why The Browser is the Ultimate Integrator

Technology has come a long way over the last couple of decades.  With an ever-increasing number of vendors that provide their solution on the cloud, it is easier than ever to create the most cost-effective solution for your company.  It is no longer necessary, and oftentimes inefficient, to go with just one vendor for all […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Apr 4, 2013
Webinar Recording: Breakthroughs in Reseller Training, Video Marketing

Missed our webinar Breakthroughs in Reseller Training, Video Marketing? Make sure to check out the recording, especially if you’re interested in the latest tools and technologies for effectively training your partners… or turbo-charging your pipeline with video marketing.

Channel Marketing
Feb 5, 2013
Leverage Your Channel Partner’s Social Network

Vendors often assume channel partners aren’t taking advantage of social media. But spend a few minutes on LinkedIn or Twitter and you’ll see most companies, no matter how small, are spending some time on social networks. And so are their – and your – customers. Social networks are opt-in and exist more on trust than […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jan 25, 2013
Channel Management Best Practices: Avoid Playing Telephone with the End Customer

The children’s game “telephone” illustrates how a message can get mangled as it passes from person to person. The lesson of the game is to be wary of a communication that comes in third-, fourth-, fifth-hand. Of course, that’s the nature of the channel. Your product has to reach the end customer via at least […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jan 4, 2013
How Channel Managers Generate More Sales

Channel managers in growing companies have huge demands on their time, but trying to stay in front of partners and customers to support increased sales should be their first priority. However, too often, they’re anchored to their computer, trying to make sense of obscure or erratic sales data. A channel manager stuck in their office […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jul 18, 2012
Determining the ROI of Your Channel

Everyone is looking to get an ROI read on their indirect sales channel, especially those organizations that are just starting out with a partner program. If you’ve been tasked with managing this initiative, odds are your CEO is regularly asking, “what are we getting out of the channel?” This is true especially for CEOs who […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jun 20, 2012
Smash those Silos from Your Indirect Sales Channel

Silos have their use – if you’re a farmer – but you don’t want them in your channel. The more obstacles between vendors, partners and their marketing teams, the less productive the channel. Anything that prevents information flow between these three parties is essentially blocking revenue. Creating an Information Hub When you have one place […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Deal Registration, Partner Portal Management
Jun 13, 2012
Part 2 of Structuring a Partner Program

  A poorly designed incentive program can create some pretty counterproductive behaviors in your channel partners. See last week’s blog post for some of those pitfalls, and below are some ideas for preventing them.   1. First, make sure your incentive programs are strategically planned and integrated to support customer needs, vendor goals and partner […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing