Blog - Channel Marketing

Find expert insights, tips, best practices, and strategies to elevate your channel marketing efforts. Discover how to effectively engage channel partners, optimize campaigns, and drive channel success through innovative marketing techniques.

Nov 13, 2014
How to Successfully On-Board new Channel Partners

We are often asked by new customers if we had any documentation or training materials for partners that would get them more engaged and keep their new Partner Portal top of mind. Although we do, we don’t believe partners are engaged by documentation and training materials, and we tell our customers that. What does create […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Oct 30, 2014
Supercharge your Channel Manager Visibility

When it comes to increasing your visibility in your organization, it all boils down to setting and meeting realistic expectations. We’re not talking about the HPs of the world, the top 100 channel chiefs who manage huge, well-established channels. We’re looking at best practices for up-and-coming channel leaders who are in the trenches for a […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Oct 8, 2014
Best Practices for Business Planning in the Channel

No one likes planning, right? But we might as well face facts: joint planning with partners as part of your channel management strategy is a critical best practice, and vendors that make the effort are much better positioned to have a successful channel. Here are three key practices for doing the planning in a way […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Deal Registration
Sep 18, 2014
3 Marketing Development Funds Best Practices That Work

Three best practices for a successful marketing development fund program. Hint: is not about control, but incentives and guardrails.

Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Aug 4, 2014
Gamification? How About Generating Channel Sales Instead

In the channel management world, it’s a shame how much energy goes into gamification. All that energy does is focus attention away from the whole point of having a channel: generating sales.

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Partner Engagement
Jul 10, 2014
The Real Secret to Scaling: Meaningful Metrics, Pt. 1

Companies that effectively log data around meaningful metrics from the start begin to detect trends that can inform better partner selection. But what are those metrics? Well, that depends on your company, your product and the channel partners you’re hiring. Errors come into the equation when vendors just let a relationship evolve without any forethought […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jun 30, 2014
Gartner says “Tech Sales Has Lost Its Mojo”: Empower Your partners

It’s not news that most B2B buyers are doing their due diligence almost entirely online, long before any sales person enters the picture. As an unfortunate bit of fallout from this change, Gartner research shows how far sales has fallen in buyers’ eyes as a result. In Gartner’s survey, tech buyers rank sales at the […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jan 30, 2014
Engage Your Channel With Leads, MDF, and Marketing

Channeltivity’s survey shows how to engage your channel through smarter channel marketing. Read detailed how to’s and analysis.

Channel Marketing, Lead Distribution, Partner Engagement
Jan 21, 2014
Webcast on January 23rd: New Trends in 2014 to Engage Your Channel

In late 2013, Channeltivity surveyed a variety of vendors to see how they are interacting with their channel. In this webcast series, we will review the results and explore best practices and technologies that you can use to be successful with the channel in 2014. In this first webcast, we will discuss how vendors are […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Dec 11, 2013
The 2014 Channel Success Checklist – Part 1: Involve Your Partners

Programs can always be improved, more partners can be added, new ways to manage your partners and processes can be found and perhaps new people to help with that management…but what do you need to do to be truly successful with the channel in 2014? In this multi-post blog, I will be exploring your options […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing