Blog - Channel Marketing

Find expert insights, tips, best practices, and strategies to elevate your channel marketing efforts. Discover how to effectively engage channel partners, optimize campaigns, and drive channel success through innovative marketing techniques.

Jan 23, 2017
Hello 2017: 4 Considerations for a Successful New Channel Year

By: Raegan Wilson 2017 brings the opportunity to set goals and reflect on the accomplishments of the previous year. How did your program perform in 2016? What can you improve in 2017? If you haven’t already, take some time and think back to the goals you set in 2016. Identify the 2-3 major program successes […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Aug 15, 2016
How to Boost Partner Engagement with Event Based Email

New partners are usually pretty engaged. When they first start working with you, they’ve got new products to promote and new opportunities to pursue. Hopefully you’ve done some joint planning and everyone’s energized and focused on common goals. But as time goes on, partners may begin to lose interest as other new vendors and opportunities […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing, Partner Engagement
Aug 9, 2016
Channel Strategy and Corporate Strategy Alignment

Does your channel management strategy reflect the larger goals of your company? With the demands of day-to-day responsibilities it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. It’s important though to take a step back and consider whether the channel is positioned to actually support your company’s wider corporate strategy.

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jul 27, 2016
Better Partner Management=Better Channel Performance

In the Summer Issue of The Partner Channel Magazine, Dana Citron, VP of Marketing at Channeltivity, contributes the article titled ‘Better Partner Management=Better Channel Performance.’ In it she discusses how Partner Relationship Management (PRM) software can help enable channel partners and improve channel performance by delivering visibility and influence. Click here to read the full Partner Channel Magazine article. […]

Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Jun 7, 2016
Your Channel Program isn’t the Field of Dreams

Forget ‘If you build it, they will come.’ It simply isn’t true. We’ve talked before about the importance of a strong recruitment process. But the process of getting resellers to become your partner (or to get them to see more of your products, in the case of an existing partner) starts long before they even […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jun 1, 2016
How to Ramp up More Partners Faster, Pt. 2

tFinding the right partners, getting them signed on and ramped up – and doing it quickly and effectively – is critical to successfully launching the channel.  We’ve worked closely with dozens of companies looking to grow their channel and have noticed differences between the companies that make it and those that don’t. In general, the […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Apr 12, 2016
CEOs: Don’t Make this Mistake when Launching Your Channel

In the last six years I’ve been running Channeltivity, I’ve had the pleasure of talking to or doing business with hundreds of channel professionals. Through those conversations, I’ve heard stories of success and stories of failure in the channel. The CEOs that hire a channel leader based on the same criteria that they use for […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Jan 7, 2016
eBook: 9 Important Questions to Ask Before Selecting a PRM Solution

Partner Relationship Management software is a critical tool for effective channel management, partner success and revenue growth. There’s a lot riding on the success of your channel, so make sure you thoroughly vet any PRM solution. Download this eBook to review the 9 most important questions to ask when reviewing PRM solutions–and what to understand […]

Channel Marketing, PRM (Partner Relationship Management)
Nov 12, 2015
Effective Partner Recruitment How To:Part 1

Effectively recruiting the right partners is a critical component to any successful channel program, and it starts with a shift away from thinking of partner recruitment as a launch activity. Good recruitment starts with a well thought out and tested recruitment process.  When your program is new, you need to start with some assumptions regarding […]

Channel Management, Channel Marketing
Sep 23, 2015
Maximize Channel Partner Program Growth

Channel partner program growth is a goal for many channel managers who aspire to excellence. But what is the best way to make that happen?

Channel Management, Channel Marketing